Mud Women Gathering - Soul Readings - Art


Mud Women and Wine - Mud Women and Mocktails


I took part in an amazing art class on the weekend for Mental Health week, It was called Mud Women and Mocktails and was hosted by the wonderful ladies at Centacare, Kingaroy. Willow Salathiel led this incredible experience and let us have full reign of our fierce femme clay creations. It was exactly what I needed after a few difficult weeks, in what can be a very demanding role sometimes. I came out feeling recharged. I love my clay woman. She isn’t perfect, or aesthetically pleasing or what society would deem to be beautiful. But she is a protector. She is strong and built to weather the storm that can be life sometimes. I’d like to think theres a little bit of me in her and that she is also a part of me now and I will cherish her and this workshop experience for years to come”

KM - Health Service worker

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