The story of Mud Women

I often laugh about the day that Clay Found Me.

It was more than 20 years ago when I wandered into an old bush Studio near Tin Can Bay QLD where I created my first ever Clay Women. Being a “Life Modelling Class”, we were given no technical clay tips and no time to think too much about what we were about to create. We were invited to surrender and just “give it a go”.  Feel the fear and do it any way! This was definitely one of those moments.


I was mesmerised by my first Mud Woman. In awe, love struck and in complete disbelief that this beautiful creation had been born of my hands. The sheer joy led me to create and teach hundreds of Women over the next 20 years. It was almost impossible to come to my place without having a piece of Clay thrown into your hands; which somehow led to champagne and laughter as we would create our Mud Women together.


My relationship to Clay

I will always have a special place in my heart for Clay. It gave me my first tangible experience of my inner world.  A sensory and visual peek into what I could feel as sensations in my body, but had no language for or understanding of.

What it gives me most of all tho, is a deep experience of the MAGICAL threads that are woven through my life and through all else, seen or unseen, of this world and beyond. For that, I will always be grateful. When I am asked to put words to how I have grown to understand Clay,

I describe it as being a “Living Intelligence”, something far older and wiser than our human selves and with the gift of connecting us deeply into our bodies. It is made of Earth. And if we are part of the Earth, then perhaps our bodies are born of it too.

These are the gifts I experience with Clay.

And it is my INTENTION to provide a space and experience, where this is possible for others too.

Mud Women Gatherings

A 2.5 hour gathering that brings Women, Celebration and Clay together. With a glass of your favourite wine or mocktail in hand, sink your hands into the Clay and see what Womanly form births through you.

Spontaneous conversations arise, stories are shared and women tend to leave with a feeling of "wow, I made this".

Willow will guide you toward creating your unique art piece. While Clay tips are shared, this is not a typical skill based session, but rather a chance to trust your innate intuitive knowing. It has been designed with all experience levels in mind. There will be baskets of natural materials; feathers, soils, sand, sticks, leaves, petals and barks, if you wish to adorn your art piece.

Or bring along some of your sacred pieces (perhaps some crystals, feathers, stones or shells), that you may embed in your Mud woman. These sacred pieces are generally not for firing, which allows us the freedom to paint and decorate.  We look forward to seeing you there! Bring a friend, or come along and make new friends. .

Private/Corporate Events

What a fabulous way to express to your team how amazing they are!

There’s nothing ordinary about a mud women gathering.

Just how “decadent’ you’re gathering is, is completely up to you. We can create a package to ensure your experience leaves the team talking with enthusiasm and inspiration for a while to come .