Brought up on a 6 acre bush block on the edge of a rural town, I was always barefoot and off on some wildish adventure; mudpies, bush cubby huts, go carting down the banks of our clay dam and beetle races around the old water tanks were amongst the things I most loved to do.

I grew up with yellow ochre clay stains on my fingers and a pencil and paper tucked under my arm. I was always doodling. Even in those early days, I was a wandering artist. First to race to the black board to draw my favourite band; huge lover of Mr Squiggle and singing my lungs out to the Bay City rollers tunes in the lounge room with my twin sister Beverley.

As an adult, I was always seeking to understand those place s where logic ends and mystery begins, I spent many nights outside staring out into the dark night skies. Curious about where I belong in the world. Trying to make sense of what I could feel but not explain. My wanderings and curiosity fed my imaginings, becoming a profound source of inspiration for both my writing and my artwork. Art and nature were where I flowed into my ‘happy place’. They were and still are, inseparable.

My curiosity led to studies in Transpersonal Art Therapy, Writing, Work at the Clayfield, Arts and Psychology.

About Willow